FAQ on Skin Disorders

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Skin Disorders

Eczema is the most common ailment seen in our office.

Acne is a common skin condition among teenagers. Fortunately, most people will outgrow their acne. However, some people can continue to have acne breakouts into their 30's and 40's.

Moles be especially concerned if a mole is changing in color, size, or shape. Other suspicious symptoms include itching, burning, or bleeding with minimal trauma.

Call for an Appointment 610-437-4134



If you have "frown lines", "crow's feet", or "laugh lines", Botox® may be for you.

Chemical Peels improve skin texture and soften sun-damaged skin. Peels are used to improve skin texture and soften fine lines of sun-damaged skin

LightSheer Duet® hair removal system is a safe and effective method of long-term hair removal for stubborn and annoying hairs anywhere on the body.  Effective for both men and women.

The HydraFacial MD® serums specifically target your skin issues including sun damage, blackheads and whiteheads, enlarged pores, acne, brown spots, uneven skin tone, and early aging fine lines and wrinkles.

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Skin Cancer, Medical and Surgical Dermatology

Medical treatment of skin, hair and nail conditions and diseases, including skin cancers. Cumulative sun exposure over the course of a lifetime.  The risks of melanoma depends on a person's history of sun exposure, the number of moles, skin type and family history. We provide minor surgical and laser therapy for the protection, maintenance, and beautification of the skin according to your specific needs.

Any skin issues or concerns call us!